展示品-Azhar Wood-v
庫存單位: 1NT$ 16,800價格已含 稅金商品材質椅身:生態皮革 Eco-leather.椅腳:木頭椅腳設計生產Design for a Modern Collection由義大利品牌 Casprini 生產製造運費● 商品來店自取免運費● 雙北地區運費一張椅子+NT300。● 配送其他外縣市或需指定送達時間運費另計,請來電洽詢Shell with organic shapes, but rigorous at the same time too, that blends perfectly with the wooden- or steel legs giving life to a collection suitable both in domestic and contract environments.* 温馨提醒:● 商品售出後無法退換● 特賣品不享有商品保固 -